Yes, I am a Christian. You ask, "Why?" Well, let me share with you some information that has led me to Christianity.
First of all, Christianity is believing in the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. He died for me over 2000 years ago. I needed to have a savior. I was dying with sin in my life that was not paid for yet. The Bible says that we all have sinned. The Bible also says that there is a punishment for sin......death. But, the Bible also tells me that there is One who paid for that in full......Jesus! Jesus is God's sinless Son who did come to this earth as a baby which we celebrate each Christmas. But, He didn't come here to stay in the form of a baby. He came to earth to eventually go to the cross and die IN MY PLACE. You wonder why, don't you. I did and still do really! But, the Bible says He did this all because He loves me. And He loves you too.
Now, to become a Christian, you need to believe what the Bible says about Jesus. That takes faith. The Bible says that you can be saved through faith. It is not related to ANY thing that you can do. You can't buy your way to heaven. You can't do anything that will get you to heaven. Your good deeds are wonderful, but that is not what is going to get you to heaven either. You might be going to church regularly, but that is not going to get you to heaven either. Ok, you say......ummmm.....what am I supposed to do? I want to go to heaven. Well, God has made a way through Jesus. You need to understand it and believe it. simple, right? Can it be that easy? YES!!! Reading the Bible will clear up the process, but the Bible makes it so clear. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved."
Once you make that decision, get a Bible, start reading. You will grow as a Christian when you read, understand, believe and follow what God says. It is a wonderful relationship that you will never have with any other person on this earth. All people will let you down.....they are sinners too. But, God never will. He is always faithful. He is always there for you! He loves you unconditionally! Trust Him!
If you have any questions about this, please leave a message for me. I would love to talk with you further to make sure that you are secure and know that you are going to heaven one day.