Who is behind the tea?

So, you want to know who is sitting across from you holding a warm cup of tea.....well, my name is Donna.  I have 7 wonderful children who God has graciously given to me. I enjoy learning from them, and they have quite a lot to share!! :)

I am a born again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.  He had to die in my place a little over 2000 years ago because I needed to be saved. I was 28 years old when I accepted Christ as my Savior. He has led me the rest of the way. I am trusting Him and that is where my URL comes from.....I am truly hanging on to Him!

I have recently separated from my husband of 27 years. This was only after some very major sinful issues that have not been able to be resolved.  After years of counseling, I am realizing that I am not really as terrible as I once thought. I do have a purpose in this life.  I still have some very weak days, but I am getting much better.  This is not the life I ever thought I would be living.  It is, in fact, the last thing I thought I would ever do!  But, I have been shown that the changes that needed to be made for me to trust again, were not happening.  I had to make a very difficult decision, and I have to live with it.  But, I am honestly able to say that I am healthier for it at the moment.  My children are suffering the loss of the ideal family life.  But, they are also going to be living in a healthier environment, and one day they will be able to see the truth.  They just can't at this time.

I have had to go back to work after 18 years of being a stay at home mom.  Not only did I stay at home with my children, but I have been homeschooling them for the last 17 years too.  The older 4 have graduated from HS, and all but one have graduated from college too.  One is still working on the degree that he wants to complete.  So, I have taken up my nursing license, dusted it off, gotten the necessary paper work completed, and now I have a job working 24 hours a week in the field of nursing that I love.....post partum.  If I could do this during the day time and see my kids all day too, that would be the best senario!

In my spare time.....HA...I love to do yarn crafts.  I like to knit and crochet along with many other hand crafts.  I enjoy playing the piano still even after many, many years of playing.  I enjoy Bible studies and conversations. So, that will explain why I have the pages at the top of the blog that I do.  I will post links for anyone who is interested, but it is also a place where I will be able to keep my information and research.

ok....one more thing about me......I get tired very easily!!  So, I am going to get off here and get the rest that I need for tomorrow's day.  Talk more later.....thanks for stopping by!!  I hope we can encourage each other through this blog.